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Change of Use - Storage Unit to Residential

Category: Green Belt

Planning Authority: Lichfield District Council

Location: Staffordshire

The Assignment

To gain planning permission for the change of use of a unit used for storage and distribution to 2 dwellinghouses within the Lichfield Green Belt.

How we succeeded

Chris Timothy successfully demonstrated, with the help of a structural report from Mark Dady, that the application building was of permanent and substantial construction and therefore the proposed re-use of it would be deemed as not inappropriate development in the Green Belt.

Furthermore, with the aid of architectural design from Aaron McNally at NBA, Chris demonstrated that the proposed design would be consistent with the neighbouring agrarian vernacular through inserting window and door openings into the existing building to facilitate its conversion to residential use.

This has allowed our client, Elford Homes Ltd, to construct 2 high quality homes in a desirable location for perspective buyers!

How can we help

The value in employing a town planning consultant is that they will explore the best strategy to secure planning permission to achieve your brief.

If you are looking for advice about a similar project please get in touch with our team today.

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