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plans for change of use - ancillary accommodation to separate dwelling

Change of use – ancillary accommodation to separate dwelling


To secure planning permission for the change of use from ancillary accommodation to a separate dwelling in Elmhurst, Lichfield.

The application site is situated within the West Midlands Green Belt and the Cannock Chase SAC Zone of Influence. Although the local planning authority deemed the application acceptable, objections were raised by the County Highway Authority. They believed the proposal would fail to demonstrate how sustainable transport could be achieved. Consequently, the application was reported to the Planning Committee.

How we helped

Louise Hinsley MRTPI successfully argued that, on the balance, any potential harm to highway safety stemming from the proposed dwelling’s unsustainable location is outweighed by the policy support for the reuse of rural buildings, to deliver residential development to positively contribute to the Districts Housing supply and the environmental benefits arising from the reuse of the environmental capital invested in the existing building. As a result, the planning permission was granted based on this argument.

How can we help you?

The value in employing a town planning consultant is that they will explore the best strategy to secure planning permission to achieve your brief.

If you are looking for advice about a similar project please get in touch with our team today.

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